#24 - Ein Deep Dive in die Geschichte des Handwerks und der Ergotherapie
Wir machen einen Deep Dive in die Geschichte der Ergotherapie und fragen uns:
Ist Handwerk wirklich DIE Wurzel der Ergotherapie? Fördern handwerkliche Techniken das Wohlbefinden? Gibt es tatsächlich eine Verbindung zwischen spezifischen Handwerkstechniken und Auswirkungen auf Körperfunktionen?
Und schlussendlich: Was hat das ganze nun mit Teilhabe zu tun?
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Die Studien und Artikel in dieser Folge sind:
Historische Fotografien und mehr auf der Homepage von OT Centennial.
Dunton, W. R. (1919). Reconstruction therapy. Saunders.
Robinson I. M. (1942) Department of Crafts. Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy. 9(2):61-67.
A SUGGESTED ANALYSIS OF POTTERY AS A THERAPEUTIC CRAFT FOR PSYCHIATRIC PATIENTS. Occupational Therapy & Rehabilitation 25(1):p 19, February 1946.
Crites Bissell, J., Mailloux, Z. (1981) The Use of Crafts in Occupational Therapy for the Physically Disabled. American Journal of Occupational Therapy. 35(6), 369–374.
Taylor. E., Manguno J. (1991) Use of treatment activities in occupational therapy. American Journal of Occupational Therapy. 45(4):317-22.
Friedland, J. (2003). Muriel Driver Memorial Lecture: Why Crafts? Influences on the development of Occupational Therapy in Canada from 1890 to 1930. Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 70(4), 204–212.
Kawamata, H., Yamada, T., Kobayash,i N. (2012) [Effectiveness of an occupational therapy program for health promotion among healthy elderly. A randomized controlled trial]. Nihon Koshu Eisei Zasshi.59(2):73-81.
Pappne Demecs, I., & Miller, E. (2019). Participatory art in residential aged care: A visual and interpretative phenomenological analysis of older residents’ engagement with tapestry weaving. Journal of Occupational Science, 26(1), 99–114.
Lee, S., & Heo, J. (2020). Older women’s perspectives on leisure commitment for coping with chronic illnesses. Health Care for Women International, 41(9), 1018–1035.
von Kürthy, H., Aranda, K., Sadlo, G., & Stew, G. (2022). Embroidering as a transformative occupation. Journal of Occupational Science, Advance online publication.
Von Zweck, C., Ledgerd, R., Shann, S., & Mlambo, T. (2023). A global survey on occupational therapy education: Findings and implications for diploma level education. World Federation of Occupational Therapists Bulletin, 79(2), 173–182.
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